EQUIFARMTEA - Empowering Small Tea Growers to break the cycle of poverty by setting up organic, sustainable value-shared tea supply chain & connecting with conscious consumers

AGENCY          :     Azim Premji Foundation
START DATE   :     16-08-2022

The Equifarm Tea program intends to empower STG -Primary Producer Societies (PPPs) to move up the tea value chain by enabling them to set up their own mini-tea processing units in Assam’s Udalguri, Sonitpur and Tinsukia districts. This will allow the STGs to process tea leaves grown sustainably and plucked from their gardens in their respective factories, thereby cutting off their dependency on Bought Leaf Factories (BLFs) and their agents to sell their produce. In this regard, CEC has been providing necessary capacity building and on-the Job trainings for the STGs to be able to successfully run the factories, manage and expand the business, manage stakeholders, provide decision-making support, enable women leadership development and facilitate teamwork among the STGs. Trainings and Workshops pertaining to sustainable tea production systems management, Company Setup, Factory Infrastructure setup, Tea Production, Marketing and Sales, Business Planning, Finance and accounting Packaging, Food safety have also been the prime focus of this intervention. 

We aim to achive:

  • Increase in household incomes of STGs in Tea Producer Companies (TPCs)
  • Adoption of socially and environmentally responsible practices
  • Increased participation of women STGs in economic activities and leadership roles
  • Improved financial inclusion and digital literacy among STGs
  • Expanded market outreach for sustainably produced organic tea to domestic and international conscious consumers through STG-owned marketing companies