Many workers seek part of salary in cash

[Informalisation and Labour Rights - Related News]

Salaried employees, fearing they will be unable to withdraw the amount credited into their accounts on December 1, pleaded with employers to pay at least part of it in cash. BEST Workers' Union demanded that all employees, especially drivers, conductors and low grade workers, be paid only in cash. "It is ridiculous to get money credited in your account and then you have to run from one bank to another to withdraw it. It will affect duty hours and may impact bus services," said union leader Shashank Rao. "Employees are finding it difficult to get change for Rs 2,000 so BEST must pay in small denomination notes," he added. But BEST general manager Jagdish Patil said the salaries would be credited to employees' accounts. Waiters, chefs and bouncers in hotels and restaurants are being encouraged to accept cheques.