• Training on Financial Literacy
  • Vaccination Drive
  • Webinar series on : Ensuring Decent Work and Green Technology in India's Brick Kilns: Issues and Challenges

    Webinar series on : Ensur...

    Date: 21, 23, 24 December, 2020 (2pm -5 pm, each day) Organised by Centre for Education and Communication (CEC) as part of a European Union (EU) supported project on "Empowering CSOs for Decent Work and Green Bricks in India'ss Brick Kiln", implemented by CEC in partnership with Terre des Hommes, Germany-India Programme (TDH) and Prayas Centre for Labour Research and Action (CLRA)
  • Celebrating the 16th International Tea Day, in the time of Covid-19

    Celebrating the 16th Inte...

    The International Tea Day was first observed on December 15, 2005 in New Delhi, India, led by Centre for Education and Communication (CEC) and in 2006 in Kandy, Sri Lanka, led by Institute for Social Development (ISD).It is an honour that the United Nations has recognised the International Tea Day and, hereafter,it will be observed on May 21 every year.
  • European Development Day 2019

    European Development Day ...

    European Development Days show case Europe's Commitment to build a sustainable and fair world.
  • 14th International Tea Day 2018 - Interview with Shri Ashok Ghosh, General Secretary, UTUC

    14th International Tea Da...

    Interview with Shri Ashok Ghosh, General Secretary, UTUC